Gregory Mannarino belives we are on the cusp of a financail catastrophe. Click the image for his video message: [...]
Tag: Economic Crisis
With 93 Million Already Unemployed In U.S., The Coming Nightmare Will Be Multiples Of The Great Depression
With the Dow comfortably above 18,000 and the Nasdaq near 5,000, today a 50-year market veteran warned King World News that with 93 million people already unemployed in the United States, the coming nightmare will be multiples of the Great Depression. He also spoke about the action in the gold and silver markets. John Embry: “I’m so frustrated by the bogus market action that I don’t[...]
Bo Polny – It’s All Down from Here, Except Gold and Silver – Audio Interview
Bo Polny talks with Kerry Lutz and provides his perspective on major markets. He’s calling for a major sell-off on the dollar and treasuries. He also sees a major sell-off on world stock markets as well. It’s going to occur before summer and this will lead to a major increase in gold and silver prices. He believes that you need to be long gold and silver and short the dollar and bonds.[...]
The Great Disconnect——Central Bank Driven “Markets” Have Nothing To Do With Economics
by David Stockman The German bund yield is soaring like a rocket today. After touching on the truly lunatic rate of 5 bps only a few weeks back, it has just crossed the 60 bps marker. Needless to say, when a blue chip 10-year bond widely held on @95% repo leverage moves that far that fast—–there is some heavy duty furniture breakage happening in fast money land. But don’t cry[...]
The End Is Near, Corporations Are The Ultimate Dumb Money
by John Rubino on May 4, 2015 David Stockman just published a chart so compelling that he didn’t feel the need to add any commentary. But there are a few things to be said about the tendency of public companies to repurchase their shares at the very top: “Peak buyback” is a sign that executives are seeing fewer opportunities to generate positive returns by building new factories or[...]
The Catalyst For The Next Global Crisis Is About To Be Triggered
Today the man who first predicted Greek bank deposits would be stolen warned King World News that the catalyst for the next global crisis is about to be triggered. He also discussed the shockwaves that will result from the coming crisis as well as what to expect in the metals. James Turk: "Slowly but surely, Eric, the bulls are gaining control of the precious metals market. We are seeing[...]
How this Debt-Addicted World Could Go the Way of the Mayans
Paying a high price for too many elites and their ‘frivolous cravings’ Nowadays many countries’ social and political structure relies on debt-driven consumption and increasing levels of entitlements. Blame the policy makers. To drive economic growth, boost living standards, and manage growing inequality, policy makers have used debt and monetary tools to create economic activity. This has [...]
When All News Is Bad News
by John Rubino on April 21, 2015 One of the defining traits of financial bubbles is the willingness of traders and investors to interpret pretty much everything as a buy signal. Rising corporate earnings mean growth, while falling profits mean easier money on the way. War means more revenues for defense contractors and easy money for everyone else. Blizzards means consumer spending will[...]
Take a Look at What They Buried in This Obscure Report
April 21, 2015 Cancun, Mexico Imagine having a net worth of $57 billion. That sounds like a lot. And for the few folks out there like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, and Vladimir Putin who have racked up such a prodigious amount, it is a lot. But not if you’re the US Federal Reserve. Just like how individual people can calculate their ‘net worth’ by adding up all of their assets (cash,[...]
Huge Trouble Is Percolating Just Under The Surface Of The Global Economy
By Michael Snyder Did you know that the number of publicly traded companies declaring bankruptcy has reached a five year high? And did you know that Chinese exports are absolutely collapsing and that Chinese economic growth in 2014 was the weakest in over 20 years? Even though things may seem to be okay on the surface for the global economy at the moment, that does not mean that big trouble[...]