By Michael Snyder Did you know that the number of publicly traded companies declaring bankruptcy has reached a five year high? And did you know that Chinese exports are absolutely collapsing and that Chinese economic growth in 2014 was the weakest in over 20 years? Even though things may seem to be okay on the surface for the global economy at the moment, that does not mean that big trouble[...]
Tag: Unemployment
PROOF that the US Peaked During Ronald Reagan’s Presidency
April 13, 2015 Santiago, Chile On March 16, 1936, the government of the United States published the very first edition of the Federal Register. President Roosevelt had been taking a lot of heat over the previous year; under his New Deal program, dozens of government agencies were passing new rules, regulations, and codes at an absolutely feverish pace. It became impossible for anyone to keep[...]
The Coming Wave of Creative Destruction – Martin Armstrong
QUESTION: You have said that we are in the middle of a shift in the economy similar to the Great Depression where agriculture crashed from 40% to 3% and this time it is government and technology. It seems that your warning of also moving to an electronic currency fits with your new age of skilled labor. So is this indeed part of your shift from the West to Asia? ANSWER: Yes. It was that shift[...]
Nearly At ‘Full Employment’? 10 Reasons Why The Unemployment Numbers Are A Massive Lie
On Friday, we learned that the official “unemployment rate” has fallen to 5.5 percent. Since an unemployment rate of 5 percent is considered to be “full employment” by many economists, many in the mainstream media took this as a sign that the U.S. economy has almost fully “recovered” since the last recession. In fact, according to the Wall Street Journal, some Federal Reserve[...]
Gallup CEO: “America’s 5.6% Unempoyment Is One Big Lie”
The biggest threat to a corrupt regime is when truth moves away from the "conspiracy theory" fringes and into the mainstream. Which is why we thank Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup, for daring to tell the truth to those who care to listen. Posted first on LinkedIn The Big Lie: 5.6% Unemployment Here’s something that many Americans -- including some of the smartest and most educated[...]
Labor Participation Rate Drops To Fresh 38 Year Low; Record 92.9 Million Americans Not In Labor Force
Another month, another attempt by the BLS to mask the collapse in the US labor force with a goalseeked seasonally-adjusted surge in waiter, bartender and other low-paying jobs. Case in point: after a modest rebound by 0.1% in November, the labor participation rate just slid once more, dropping to 62.7%, or the lowest print since December 1977. This happened because the number of Americans not in[...]
Americans are 40% Poorer than Before the Recession
By Quentin Fottrell The Great Recession is officially over, but Americans are still 40% poorer today than they were in 2007, the year before the global financial crisis. The net worth of American families — the difference between the values of their assets, including homes and investments, and liabilities — fell to $81,400 in 2013, down slightly from $82,300 in 2010, but a long way off the[...]
Why You Should Be Prepared for Both Inflation and Deflation – James Rickards
Daily Reckoning Editor's Note: The debate over whether or not the US economy will experience inflation or deflation in the near term is an extremely heated one… According to our own Chris Mayer, two respected economists almost came to blows over it. But, as Jim Rickards explains below, there really is no debate, since they’re both equally likely. Read on… Today’s investment climate is[...]
Why We’re Poorer: Inflation And Deflation Are Now Globalized
by Charles Hugh-Smith of OfTwoMinds blog, We're being hit with a double-whammy: Wages are under deflationary pressure, and almost everything else is exposed to inflationary pressure. As correspondent Mark G. observed in Globalization = Permanent Instability, it's impossible to understand inflation and deflation now except in a global context. Now that prices for commodities such as oil and[...]
The Terrifying Idea that the Economy Might Stay Stuck Forever Just Got More Terrifying
by Matt O’Brien Washington Post The U.S. economy has fallen, and it can’t get up. At least that’s the way it seems. That’s because our slump hasn’t really ended, even though the Great Recession officially did more than five years ago. Growth has been low, unemployment is still high, and it’d be even more so if the labor force hadn’t shrunk so much. And all this, remember, has[...]