by John Rubino on May 4, 2015 David Stockman just published a chart so compelling that he didn’t feel the need to add any commentary. But there are a few things to be said about the tendency of public companies to repurchase their shares at the very top: “Peak buyback” is a sign that executives are seeing fewer opportunities to generate positive returns by building new factories or[...]
Tag: market rigging
Disaster Is Inevitable When The Two Decade-Old Stock Bubble Bursts
Six years after the Global Financial Crisis, the U.S. stock market continues to soar to new heights with nary a pullback or correction. In this piece, I will explain why the stock market is experiencing a new bubble that is actually another wave of the bubble that has existed since the mid-1990s. A two-decade old bubble? Yes, you’ve read that correctly. Most people will consider this assertion [...]
Meet Your Newest Legislator: Citigroup
By Pam Martens: December 16, 2014 Citigroup is the Wall Street mega bank that forced the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act in 1999; blew itself up as a result of the repeal in 2008; was propped back up with the largest taxpayer bailout in the history of the world even though it was insolvent and didn’t qualify for a bailout; has now written its own legislation to de-regulate itself; got the[...]
The Shocking Way Central Planning Destroys Your Wealth
by Bill Bonner The economists who set out do to central planning, if they were in a small village, they could organize traffic by central planning. They could say, “Mr. Jones takes his car on this road at 4:00 in the afternoon, and then he’ll be over, finished, by 4:30. So then Mrs. Smith can go this way on this road, and she won’t hit him. And then the bus can pass here at 5:30,” and so [...]
Why Matt Taibbi Thinks This Woman Is JPMorgan’s “Worst Nightmare”
In reality, there is nothing surprising in Matt Taibbi's latest piece since returning to Rolling Stone from the Intercept, as it tells a story everyone is by now is all too familiar with: a former bank employee (in this case Alayne Fleischmann) who was a worker in a bank's (in this case JPM) mortgage operations group, where she observed and engaged in what she describes as "massive criminal[...]
American Financial Markets Have No Relationship To Reality — Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler
American Financial Markets Have No Relationship To Reality Paul Craig Roberts and Dave Kranzler As we have demonstrated in previous articles, the bullion banks (primarily JP Morgan, HSBC, ScotiaMocatta, Barclays, UBS, and Deutsche Bank), most likely acting as agents for the Federal Reserve, have been systematically forcing down the price of gold since September 2011. Suppression of the gold[...]
Implications of an Ebola Pandemic in the US – Could Our Fragile Economy Handle the Shock?
By Michael Snyder For the moment, our top public health officials are quite adamant that there absolutely will not be a major Ebola outbreak in the United States. But what if they are wrong? Or what would happen if terrorists released a form of weaponized Ebola or weaponized smallpox in one of our major cities? What would such an event do to our economy? I think that we can get some clues by[...]