Back in November we chronicled the (quiet) death of the Petrodollar, the system that has buttressed USD hegemony for decades by ensuring that oil producers recycled their dollar proceeds into still more USD assets creating a very convenient (if your printing press mints dollars) self-fulfilling prophecy that has effectively underwritten the dollar’s reserve status in the post WWII era.[...]
Tag: oil price collapse
Why The Price Of Oil Is More Likely To Fall To $20 Rather Than Rise To $80
By Michael Snyder, on February 15th, 2015 This is just the beginning of the oil crisis. Over the past couple of weeks, the price of U.S. oil has rallied back above 50 dollars a barrel. In fact, as I write this, it is sitting at $52.93. But this rally will not last. In fact, analysts at the big banks are warning that we could soon see U.S. oil hit the $20 mark. The reason for this is that the[...]
The Market Gage – Crude Lower This Morning & Gold as a Deflation Hedge
January 12, 2015 “The Market Gage” features insights into the precious metals market from Roy Friedman. Roy has over 30 years of in-depth experience in all facets of precious metals. Following Friday’s strong close, our market resumed trading yesterday with a probe higher, but volume was light with the highs of $1,231.30 gold and $16.69 silver being short lived. In early U.S. trading, all [...]
Oil above $100? Never again, says Saudi Prince Alwaleed
Maintaining production is ‘prudent, smart and shrewd’ By William Watts NEW YORK (MarketWatch) — A well-known Saudi prince is making a big call on oil, saying that the $100-a-barrel threshold will never be topped again. “If supply stays where it is, and demand remains weak, you better believe [the price of oil] is gonna go down more. But if some supply is taken off the market, and[...]