January 21, 2015 “The Market Gage” features insights into the precious metals market from Roy Friedman. Roy has over 30 years of in-depth experience in all facets of precious metals. Gold and silver continued their impressive run overnight as gold broke above $1,300.00 for the first time since August while silver flirted with $18.50. Silver has really been the star of 2015 for[...]
Tag: jgb
Here We Go: Yen Goes Parabolic, Begins to Hyperinflate
The Japanese yen is now collapsing. If the yen goes “super-nova” – i.e. collapses - it could bring down the U.S. The U.S. QE/Keynesian Ponzi scheme relies on Japan to help keep the scheme together. The yen is beginning to hyperinflate and it is now entering “parabolic” mode. First, this will cause the Japanese banks to implode because they’re loaded up with Japanese stocks and[...]
This Will Dislocate Every Market In The World – David Stockman
Today David Stockman warned King World News about what he says will dislocate every market in the world, including stocks, bonds, commodities, and real estate. KWN takes Stockman’s warnings very seriously because he is the man former President Reagan called on in 1981, during that crisis, to become Director of the Office of Management and Budget and help save the United States from collapse.[...]