Tag: financial collapse

The Age Of Money And The Federal Reserve’s Secret Plan

As people continue to digest information relating to the Fed meeting, today the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year-old Richard Russell, discussed "The Age of Money" and the Federal Reserve's secret plan. Richard Russell: "I read with interest Vanity Fair’s letter to its readers. The editor asked if we could put a name and age to the world we live in. He suggested we call it "The Age of [...]

The Market Collapse Investors Won’t Expect – Jim Rickards with Video

Ed. Note: Jim Rickards has just released a brand-new book, “The Big Drop: How to Grow Your Wealth During the Coming Collapse.” You won’t find it in bookstores — it’s available exclusively for readers of his monthly investment letter, Strategic Intelligence. But this message is so important, we’re offering Daily Reckoning readers a chance to get a copy — free of charge. If you’re[...]

Central Bankers Move To Protect Themselves Ahead Of Historic Global Crash! – Richard Russell

As people continue to digest breaking news out of Greece and Ukraine, today the Godfather of newsletter writers, 90-year-old Richard Russell, warned central bankers are now moving to protect themselves ahead of a historic global crash. Richard Russell: "Everybody and his brother are talking about when the Fed may raise rates, but few are talking about why the Fed may raise rates. But Richard[...]

What Will Happen to You When the Dollar Collapses?

by Jeff Thomas Historically, when a nation’s debt exceeds its ability to repay even the interest, it can be assumed that the currency will collapse. Typically, governments exacerbate the situation by printing large amounts of currency notes in an effort to inflate the problem away, or at least postpone it. The greater the level of debt, the more dramatic the inflation must be to counter it.[...]

The Last, Great Run For The U.S. Dollar, The Death Of The Euro And 74 Trillion In Currency Derivatives At Risk

By Michael Snyder Are we on the verge of an unprecedented global currency crisis? On Tuesday, the euro briefly fell below $1.07 for the first time in almost a dozen years. And the U.S. dollar continues to surge against almost every other major global currency. The U.S. dollar index has now risen an astounding 23 percent in just the last eight months. That is the fastest pace that the U.S. dollar [...]

The Global Problem: Monetary Policy Can’t Fix an Economy’s Structural Problems – C. H. Smith

When we look back from 2025, it will be painfully obvious that central bank policies exacerbated the systemic crises that brought down the global financialization machine. What with all the praise being heaped on central banks for "saving" the world from economic doomsday in 2008, it's only natural to ask which structural problems their unprecedented policies solved in the past 6 years. After[...]

ATTENTION ALL CONCERNED WITH GOLD CONFISCATION – 100% Bullion Investment Asset Also Serves As Confiscation Hedge

Many individuals will fail to protect themselves and safeguard their wealth with precious metals due to the perceived threat of gold confiscation.  This fear is based on a previous US gold confiscation that took place at the height of the depression in 1933. Whether such an action by the US government would take place again is up for debate. Realize that the US was on a gold standard in 1933 [...]

Is This The Most Important Chart For The Future Of The World’s Reserve Currency?

When it comes to the future of the dollar status as the world's reserve currency, the most important chart may be the fact that the US is now so woefully buried in debt that another global military conflict appears inevitable... ... or that it now takes virtually unlimited monetization of the debt shown above to preserve the illusion that the US is not bankrupt, pushing the S&P to record[...]

How Our Crazy Money System Works

by Bill Bonner Acting Man Squirrelly and Subtle Yes, we were in London, taking care of business. Now, we’re back in Buenos Aires. We’ve tried medication. We’ve tried prayer. We’ve tried heavy drinking – all in an effort to understand how our crazy money system works. And where it leads. You’d think it would be easy. It’s just Central Banking 101, no? Well, no. It is squirrelly… [...]

1 in 3 Americans on Verge of Financial Ruin

By Catey Hill The rich keep getting richer. The rest of us aren’t so lucky. According to a survey released Monday by Bankrate.com of more than 1,000 adults, 37% of Americans have credit card debt that equals or exceeds their emergency savings. “These numbers mean that three out of every eight Americans are teetering on the edge of financial disaster” — thanks to the fact that many of[...]

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