Month: October 2024

The PMC Ounce: A Diversified, Cost-Efficient Strategy for (Palladium!) Precious Metals Investment

The Precious Metals Composite (PMC) ounce is crafted to seek a better risk-adjusted return than any single precious metal alone, offering reduced volatility and a stable return profile. Each PMC ounce combines the strategic metals composition of: Gold: 3.5% – Silver: 93.75% – Platinum: 1% – Palladium: 1.75%

How Debt and Gold Are Dancing Together: A Look at the Future

Since the year 2000, the U.S. government has been racking up debt like it's going out of style. In fact, the national debt has ballooned by 527%, jumping from $5.7 trillion to a whopping $35.75 trillion today. But as the debt has soared, so has the price of gold, which has skyrocketed by 864%, leaping from $280 to around $2,700 per ounce. Gold[...]

The Alternative Edge – Episode 2 – Investing in Gold: Trends, Policies, and 2025 Outlook

In this episode, the speaker explains investing in gold, focusing on physical assets and managing risk. Gold’s recent highs are attributed to inflation, economic uncertainty, and weakening currencies. The potential effects of a Harris-Trump administration on gold miners are discussed, particularly regarding policy changes. The Federal Reserve’s interest rate policies are identified as key drivers of gold prices. Predictions for 2025 consider global economic trends and geopolitical factors, shaping the outlook for the gold market.

Insights Into Today’s Precious Metals Markets

Stocks, commodities, real estate, gold… many assets are trading at or near all-time highs, while investors hold significant cash reserves amid political and geopolitical uncertainty. But do bold investors have the advantage, and are these assets truly overvalued given the ongoing factors driving their value? Join Brandon Green of Neptune Global for insights into today’s precious metals markets.

Silver Worth $150-$170?: Facts to Make The Case for a Major Price Surge

The price of silver is often overshadowed by its flashier cousin, gold. While gold has been hitting new highs, silver is still playing catch-up. But that might not be the case for much longer. With some key historical trends and the current market setup, silver could be on the verge of a massive breakout, potentially heading toward $150 – or even $170. Let’s break down why.

Why Not Buying Gold When It Hits a New High Could Be a Costly Mistake

Gold has an uncanny ability to make headlines, especially when it reaches a new high. It’s not just a shiny piece of metal; it’s an investment with a track record that dates back thousands of years. From ancient civilizations using it as currency to modern-day investors seeking a safe haven, gold has proven itself time and again as a reliable store of value. Yet, when gold prices surge, some investors hesitate, thinking they missed the boat. But history shows that hesitating when gold hits a new peak can be a costly mistake.